Why should I read your blog…
That’s a good question.
Man, do I hate that phrase. They use it all the time at my kids school. I ask questions and they always start with .. “That’s a good question..” Like there are bad questions? Or they’re going to tell me it’s a “bad question?” Probably not.
So this blog will contain all kinds of info and links to helpful stuff. I’ll talk about little kid life, teen life (both from a parent perspective), ways to help the kids with problems they are having, how to take care of YOU, a little bit on my journey through this time they call life, maybe new artists, sports, new colors we may be featuring, education and just general info that may be interesting to you all.
This week, I’ll introduce myself. My name is Amy. I am in the sandwich generation meaning I am still raising kids but also taking care of an elderly mother. I started this business because I really didn’t like corporate America and I needed to way to teach one of my boys how to tie his shoes. After quite a bit of trial and error, bi-colored shoelaces came into being. As of this writing, we are the ONLY shoelace where you can pick your colors AND your length to fit you or your family. I hand make every single pair out of U.S. products.
I am a sports fan as well. I still play soccer on a women’s league (as a keeper and on the field as a striker) and I run (for fun). Last summer I mountain biked for the first time this century and this winter I downhill skied for the first time this century. Neither time did I break a bone. I’m pretty impressed with myself.
My favorite part of this business is two fold. I really do like being a chemist and making colors to match but I also enjoy getting feedback letting me know that another kiddo has learned to tie their shoes or a picture of a sports fan with matching team colored shoelaces in their shoes.
I do hope to have blogs come out weekly on Fridays.