My one and done rant.

It’s been a hot minute since we updated the blog. This will change. One week it will be more geared toward parenting, the next sports and back to parenting.
But not today. Today we’re going to get personal…
Monday was the inauguration of Donald Trump for the 2nd non-consecutive time. If you follow us on Instagram (@tyetheshoeco) you should have seen our fun Friday facts stating one other president has done this…and it was Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th president.
I’m not going to make this political, but I feel I have to point out some obvious issues:
It’s ok to break the law if you know someone rich and powerful. Biden pardoned his own son and lots of others who did more white collar crimes. Trump pardoned all the Jan. 6, 2021 rioters. Every. Single. One. Don’t know that the police who were injured or the politicians or even the passerby who was injured appreciate this. People who know or break rules in the name of (fill in rich white guy name) get a pass. That doesn’t seem right on either side of the aisle.
Some things that don’t make sense to me are: Putting tariffs and taxes on things from China (point 1) but then turn around and basically do business with them regarding Tik Tok (point 2). I don’t know if it has been forgotten, but if I import from China (which I do not…we use “made in USA” products for our bi-colored shoelaces) then I would pay the tariffs/taxes as a business owner and not the country of China. Most likely those tariffs and taxes would get passed down to my customers. Secondly, I just don’t get the whole Tik Tok issue. OH and let us not forget Trump was the one who started with “let’s ban Tik Tok”.
This has the potential to be a very trying 4 years, or a very awesome 4 years. No matter which side you sit on (or if you’re in the middle), we ALL need to have grace with each other, try to find the positive in our lives and each other. We are all human and humans make mistakes and humans have the ability to change, either from their mistakes or because they see something that needs change.